The Center for Global Education

The Center For Global Education is responsible for advising and assisting international students with the transition of living and studying in the United States and assisting students in developing global opportunities such as study abroad and involvement in campus international activities.

It is the mission of The Center For Global Education to enhance opportunities for global understanding through the exchange of students, 威尼斯人平台与其他国家的学者和教师交流. 我们肯定国际教育交流可以促进学习和学术, 在不同的人之间建立尊重和理解, 鼓励负责任的领导.


我们很高兴你们成为威尼斯人平台的学生. Capital University has approximately 100 international students from 23 different countries. The Center For Global Education is here to help you with your transition as you live in the United States and to support you in meeting your educational goals! The office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. 以后的会议时间可以通过联系个别要求

Customized Courses

UNIV 193-02:国际视角下的职业发展

本课程专为国际学生或美国学生开设.S. 在其他国家长大的学生, 了解如何使用重要的职业发展工具, work authorization, and the importance of engaging in high impact practices during a student’s college experience. It is a very practical course with a lot of student interaction and an opportunity to practice important career development skills.


“Career development class gave me a much better view of what I will face as an international student. 它让我对如何处理教育、职业和社会生活有了新的认识. Miss Jennifer Adams and Miss Jennifer Vrobel demonstrated the class application in a perfect way. It was the kind of class where everyone was part of the enjoyable class interaction” - Hasset Negussie (Ethiopia)

“The Career Development class is advantageous if you are looking to find an internship, get a job or any other type of work experience in the United States as an international student. 我学到了重要的信息,这是其他任何课程都不会教的, as a result, 我现在比以前更有信心申请工作和实习机会了. 我会向所有国际学生推荐这门课, 即使他们不打算在美国工作或实习, 因为环境总是在变化,这门课只会让他们受益.” - Ishan Thapa (Nepal/Brunei)

“The Career Development Course provided me with important career-related information that is specifically tailored towards international students. 本课程提供的指导有助于国际学生计划他们的CPT, OPT, 以及任何与未来职业相关的努力.” - Amodh Thapa (Nepal/Brunei)

如果您对课程有任何疑问,请威尼斯人官网 or


  • 一年级前的国际学生迎新活动或院系迎新活动
  • 机场接机为住在校内宿舍的学生
  • 在你适应美国生活的过程中提供持续的支持
    Local excursions
  • 获得所有大学支持服务

Highlights for 2022-2023

Global Student Association (GSA)

GSA is a recognized campus student organization with membership open to all Capital University students. This organization plans cultural events to provide opportunities for Capital University students, 教师和工作人员了解世界文化和事件塑造我们的世界. 该组织还为其成员策划社会和社区服务活动. 注意你的电子邮件,查收重要的通知 follow GSA on Instagram.


President: Grace Djaodo (Social Work)
Vice President: Joy Ayinde (Biology Pre-Med)
Treasurer: Kirubel Asfaw(商业管理、数据科学辅修)
Secretary: 乔希·巴伦(环境研究)
Service Chair: Daniel Mlinga (Biology Pre-Med)
Publicity Chair: Halima Ag Boula(国际研究)


Aya Ueki国际学生奖学金

The parents of Aya Ueki established a scholarship to honor and celebrate the memory of their daughter, 曾就读于威尼斯人平台和北陆学院大学, 谁热爱全球学习. 在威尼斯人平台至少完成一个学期的国际学生, 谁的学习成绩好, 我们鼓励表现出校园参与的学生申请. 该奖学金开放威尼斯人平台大学的任何学术项目(ESL), undergraduate, 研究生学习和成人学位课程.) The scholarship may be used to help cover tuition costs for the following fall and spring semester, but is not available to be used towards summer tuition or to pay off previous university debts.

符合条件的学生可以 使用在线表格申请Aya Ueki国际学生奖学金.

Exchange Students

Students or scholars from one of Capital University Partner Institutions may apply to Capital University as part of an exchange program. Each year, the number of available participant spots is determined but the number of students who participated the previous year. Generally, there are between 1 – 3 places available each year for each exchange partner.

Exchange Student Requirements


  • An exchange application with a signature from the partnering institution indicating you have been approved by them to participate.
  • A Financial Affidavit-of -Support form and a current bank statement translated in English. 学生需要证明他们有足够的资金在美国生活和学习.S. 在参与项目的过程中. 这取决于你学习的时间长短. Students should keep a copy of this information for themselves as they apply for a F-1 student visa.
  • 护照信息页复印件
  • 英语水平证明. 如果学生参加了资本课程, students may demonstrate they have sufficient English skills from taking one of the following exams; TOEFL or IELTS, scores.
General Forms

All students should update their address in MyCap within 10 days of a move. 移民法规要求在SEVIS中更新地址. Please send an email to 以确保地址已更新.

Letter Request Form



Complete this form (PDF),并将其与您的I-20一起提交威尼斯人平台哈利C区121室的Lesly Boateng. Moores Student Union.


Optional Practical Training

Optional Practical Training (OPT) is an opportunity for you to have temporary employment to gain practical experience in your field of study. Generally, an F-1 student is eligible for a MAXIMUM OF 12 MONTHS of this type of employment for each educational level (Bachelor’s, Master’s, etc.).

Download OPT Instructions


STEM代表科学、技术、工程和数学. STEM OPT provides an opportunity to extend Optional Practical Training for an additional 24 months for graduates who completed a program of study in a STEM major. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security requires that the major and the major CIP code listed on the student’s I-20 matches up with their list of STEM CIP codes. The list of Capital majors meeting these requirements is listed on the STEM OPT instructions. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security also requires that employers meet specific requirements before a STEM OPT extension can be considered. Employers must have an e-verify employment number and must also work with the employee to complete, sign and regularly evaluate the employee on form I-983; training plan. A person who is eligible for a STEM extension must file this application before the end date of their current OPT. 与传统的OPT应用程序不同, STEM延期需要在申请之前有工作和特定的雇主.

Download the full Fact Sheet

Curricular Practical Training

Curricular Practical Training-paid or volunteer temporary employment-is a way for students in F-1 immigration status to gain practical experience and work authorization in their field of study before they graduate. Students must be earning academic credit for the internship or clinical work during CPT, or the work must be either a required or integral part of the academic program as documented in the University Bulletin or the Student Handbook for the academic program. Eligibility requires students to have been full time in a qualifying immigration status for one academic year, 或持F-1签证一学年. ESL学生不符合CPT考试资格. 控制联邦法规是8摄氏度.F.R. § 214.2(f)(10).


Global Student Association

GSA is a recognized campus student organization with membership open to all Capital University students. This organization plans cultural events to provide opportunities for Capital University students, 教师和工作人员了解世界文化和事件塑造我们的世界. 该组织还为其成员策划社会和社区服务活动. 注意你的电子邮件,查收重要的通知 关注Instagram上的活动.


  • 老人洞和霍金山州立公园之旅
  • Shopping trips to Easton
  • Culture Night
  • Halloween Pumpkin Carving
  • Wild Lights at the Columbus Zoo
  • 在Mad River山滑雪或油管
  • Ice Skating
  • Trips to Columbus Metro Parks
  • Thanksgiving Dinner Celebration

Open Advising Hours

Contact Us

Director: Ms. Jennifer Adams, M.A.
014 Harry C. 摩尔学生会(近首都收发室)
Phone: 614-236-6170
Fax: 614-236-6290
E-mail: or

An international student provides information at a booth during Capital's welcome weekend